G-Nut/Anubis - data pre-processing
When requested, Anubis performs carrier phase pre-processing which includes receiver clock jump detection and phase cycle-slip detection and estimation. Since version 1.3.0, Anubis checks carrier phase observations from all signals at all frequencies and all GNSS satellite constellations. Summary report is provided when set sec_pre="1" and the following informations are reported (see also listing below):
- Clk_Jmp - number of receiver clock jumps
- CS_Total - number of all phase cycle-slips and carrier-phase interruptions
- CS_Slips - number of identified real phase cycle-slips during a continous phase tracking
- CS_Epoch - number of carrier-phase interruptions due to missing epoch (counts all previously observed satellites and signals)
- CS_Satell - number of carrier-phase interruptions due to temporary unavailable satellites
- CS_Signal - number of carrier-phase interruptions due to temporary unavailable signals
Detail reports on clock jumps epochs and calculated phase cycle-slips are provided if set sec_pre="2".
Both lists are sorted by epochs and cycle slips provided with specific line for individual satellites while reporting all common signals.